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Résultats de recherche (2)
Chapitre 12. Intérêts bancaires
Education du Forex
Nous avons déjà clarifié que le trading sur marge suppose l'utilisation du capital d'emprunt, lorsqu'un trader emprunte des actifs à son courtier pour effectuer des opérations sur le Forex. Pour une meille...
Trading intrajournalier (intraday)
Education du Forex
Le day trading (trading Intraday) est une stratégie de comportement sur le marché, qui est récemment devenue de plus en plus populaire en raison du développement des réseaux informatiques. Cette strat&eacu...
Résultats de recherche pour la recherche en anglais (9)
Day trading is a market strategy which has been increasingly popular due to advancements in the computer network technology. It involves speculation on short-term fluctuations of market prices. Positions are frequently opened and closed, so...
Types of strategies
As a rule, market participants are divided into several groups, each of them prefer their own trading methods. It is hard to say what is the exact ratio of supporters of various methods. However, we tend to think that most traders stick to...
Types of strategies
Intraday trading is believed to be one of the most complicated types of Forex trading and, at the same time, the most widely used by independent traders. This trading system suggests opening and closing positions on Forex within one day, i....
Types of strategies
Locking is a type of a hedging strategy aimed at minimizing risks associated with changes in markets behaviour. The difference between hedging and locking is that hedging is used for different trading instruments, while locking is used for...
Types of strategies
There is no single opinion about the scalping trading strategy. However, more and more traders are getting interested in this method. Why does scalping look so appealing? Probably because it is one of the few ways to make a quick profit on...
Types of strategies
Pipsing involves daily work in front of your computer, minimum of news and maximum of luck. There is no need to know the financial mechanism of global economy regulation and countries’ GDP. Even the bullish market has a lot of pullbacks dur...
Types of strategies
The purpose of swing trading is to catch gains in the long term. This is the main difference between this method and intraday trading. Swing traders take profit every 3 to 5 days. The majority of the world's most successful traders use this...
Technical analysis
Support level – is the prices level which has a rather big potential for buying with the purpose to stop and upturn the price fall. Support level is shown on the chart by a horizontal or almost horizontal line, which connects a few bottoms....
Forex education
We have already clarified that margin trading supposes the usage of the loan capital, when a trader borrows assets from his broker to carry out operations on Forex. For better understanding of this chapter, let us study the principle of cas...