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Rezultatele căutării (1)
Ratele încrucișate
Educație în domeniul Forex
Ratele încrucișate sunt adesea utilizate în timpul operațiunilor pe piața mondială. Ce înseamnă asta?Cross rate, este rata de schimb dintre două valute care rezultă din rata acestora în raport cu rata unei a treia va...
Rezultatele căutării pentru căutarea în engleză (4)
Cross rates are often used during the operations in the world market. What is it?Cross rate is the exchange rate between two currencies which results from their rate in relation to the rate of a third currency. As a rule, cross rates with t...
Forex education
When we buy something in a shop, a price tag shows us the price of an item in the domestic currency. For example, we pay $12 for a book which is common practice for us.In the Forex market, we always trade one currency against another. There...
Forex education
The trading operations on Forex are carried out not only against the US dollar. We intentionally have not touched on these operations until now to make the content more intelligible. The currency rates, which do not include the US dollar, a...
Forex education
We have thoroughly considered the basic terms used on Forex and the main principles of margin trading. It is the time to study how to calculate profit and loss of the opened trades. We know that a trader enters the international currency ma...