Výsledky vyhľadávania (5)

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Výsledky vyhľadávania (5)
Stratené údaje účtu
Technické problémy
Situácia 1Zabudli ste svoje obchodnícke heslo.Riešenie: Kontaktujte náš podporný tím pre pomoc akýmkoľvek spôsobom komunikácie a uveďte svoje číslo účtu a k&...
Nezaúčtoval sa swap, hoci táto funkcia bola aktívna
Technické problémy
Stáva sa to v dvoch prípadoch:1. Otvorili ste obchod na páre s nulovým swapom. Tu je zoznam takýchto párov: http://instaforex.com/en/specifications2. SWAPy boli zaúčtované, a...
Kapitola 14. Ako si vypočítať zisk a straty
Forexový tréning
Základné pojmy používané na forexe a hlavné princípy maržového obchodovania sme si už dôkladne prebrali. Je na čase, aby sme si povedali o tom, ako vypočítať zisk a stratu z otvo...
Trojitý swap
Podmienky obchodovania
Keď sa pozícia prenáša z stredu na štvrtok, nastáva trojitý swap. Deje sa to preto, že trh forex je trhom spotu. To znamená, že všetky výpočty obchodov sa robia druhý pra...
Cashback Service
Služby spoločnosti
Cashback služba od InstaForex je príležitosťou získať späť časť provízie z uzavretých obchodov. Vďaka tomuto programu môžete vrátiť na svoj obchodný účet 5% a viac zo spreadov, swa...
Výsledky vyhľadávania pre anglické vyhľadávanie (21)
Account Opening
In order to open MT4 trading account, you should:- follow the "For traders" - Account opening section;- read the Public offer agreement and accept it by clicking on the "Accept terms of agreement and confirm that I an 18" button;- fill...
Swap is the money either deducted from or credited to the customer account for keeping an open position overnight.
Equity is the secure part of the customer account that includes open positions. It is calculated by the following formula: Balance + Floating profit/Floating loss + Swap. Equity is the funds in the customer sub-account minus the current los...
Hedging is the parctice of protecting client's funds from unfavorable price fluctuations by opening a position in a contrary or opposing market. Hedging: ensures protection from possible losses by the time of forward deal settlement; provid...
Trading conditions
Carrying over a position from Wednesday to Thursday, a triple swap is accrued. It happens as the Forex market is the spot market. It means calculations of all the deals are made on the second working day after a trading operation was done....
Technical questions
Situation 1You've forgotten your trader password.Solution: contact our support team for assistance via any means of communication, specifying your account number and code word. In addition, specify the new trader password you would like to...
Great Race InstaForex
Trading conditions applied to accounts participating in Great Race 2020 are the following:1. A participant receives a DEMO account after registration in the contest.2. The minimum deposit is 100,000 USD for all participants and cannot be ch...
Lucky Trader
1. A contestant receives a DEMO account after registration in the contest.2. The minimum deposit is 30,000.00 USD or all participants and cannot be changed.3. Leverage is 1:500.4. All orders opened at non-market prices are subject to cancel...
InstaForex FX-1 Rally
1. A contestant receives a DEMO account after registration in the contest.2. The minimum deposit is 40,000 USD or all participants and cannot be changed.3. Leverage is 1:500.4. All orders opened at non-market prices are subject to cancellat...
InstaForex FX-1 Rally
1. All trades of the contestants are automatically closed at current prices within the first 10 minutes after the contest is over. The participants acknowledge that the closing prices may vary due to a several minutes difference in closing...